Yes we've tried the demo but really want to see how easy it will
be to create our own templates, and to be frank the demo isn't
fully featured - there are limitations on it.
I looked at all of the hosters you have on the site - I think
there are 5 - and none of their plans were suitable.
February huh? I really hate to wait that long we'd like to get
this off the ground by the first of the year but we've waited two
years so I guess another couple of months aren't going to kill
I just wish there was a way to really get into Campsite and give
it a thorough test.
Thanks for your responses,
> Chuck,
> Out of curiosity, have you tried our demo
> (
> Other than that, wait for the hosters to wake up and see if
> they can offer you some testing deal (they are based in Prague and Amman, respectively).
> The nonroot access has been tried, but as far as I can
> remember, Mugur, the chief developer was warning against it
> (read: it was a hard thing with uncertain success). And BTW, we
> are in the process of rewriting the Campsite parser into php,
> so you could host it wherever. Unfortunately, other demands on
> the development team have pushed this all the way to February.
> Best,
> Sava
> Chuck Evans <***>
> 12/20/06 04:16 AM
> Please respond to campsite-support
> To: "***"
> <campsite-***>
> cc:
> Subject: Re[2]: [campsite-support] root access
> Sava,
> I saw on the Campsite - site - that there was an option for
> non-root access. We've been trying now for weeks to test
> Campsite and to find a hosting company that we can use for the
> testing and have had no luck!
> We really think that Campsite is what we've spent two years
> searching for but until we can fully test we can't be sure.
> Thanks,
> chuck
>> Hi Chuck,
>> You need root access to a Linux or FreeBSD machine to install
>> Campsite. Once you install it, there is no need to have root
>> access. So if your friendly provider gives it to you
>> temporarily, you are in business.
>> What somewhat puzzles me is how you can have dedicated servers
>> without root access? I thought those were by definition servers with full root access?
>> Otherwise, we have some professional Campsite hosters among
>> our community and they are on this list.
>> Best regards,
>> Sava
>> ***
>> 12/19/06 11:55 PM
>> Please respond to campsite-support
>> To: campsite-***
>> cc:
>> Subject: [campsite-support] root access
>> Am I understanding that Campsite will not install or run unless we have root access?
>> We have both dedicated and shared servers and niether of our
>> hosting companies will give us root access.
>> Is there any other option with installing Campsite?
>> Thanks,
>> chuck evans
> Chuck Evans,
> Executive Director of Instruction
> Direct Line: 1.480.862.6544
> Reservations: 1.800.732.4995
Chuck Evans,
Executive Director of Instruction
Direct Line: 1.480.862.6544
Reservations: 1.800.732.4995